Managed Portfolios
You're in good hands
Good investing demands diversification, discipline, and a systematic approach that minimises the influence of human emotions.

Betashares Managed Portfolios are low-cost diversified portfolios constructed by our investing experts from ASX-traded ETFs, that can help build good investing habits into your investing strategy.

We offer a range of core, multi-asset portfolios, as well as portfolios that provide more focused exposure to a particular sector, theme or strategy.
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Access low-cost, 

diversified Portfolios
Constructed from ASX-traded ETFs
ETF selection, portfolio weightings and regular portfolio rebalancing are managed by our investing experts
Set up a plan to invest regularly and automatically into your chosen portfolio, or make one-off investments
Zero brokerage, low monthly Portfolio fee
Refer to the PDS for information on interest retained by Betashares on cash balances.
Access low-cost, diversified Portfolios
Constructed from ASX-traded ETFs
ETF selection, portfolio weightings and regular portfolio rebalancing are managed by our investing experts
Set up a plan to invest regularly and automatically into your chosen portfolio, or make one-off investments
Zero brokerage, low monthly Portfolio fee
Refer to the PDS for information on interest retained by Betashares on cash balances.
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Choose from diversified Core Portfolios designed to help build wealth or provide income for a range of risk profiles.
Or select one of our Focused Portfolios designed to meet a specific investing goal.
Passive Income
A portfolio of investments that aims to generate steady cash flow and distributions, designed for investors seeking income.
Responsible Investing
A growth-focused portfolio designed for investors focused on responsible investing.
Technology Innovators
An ‘all-growth’ portfolio that focuses on both the broad technology sector and tech-driven industries such as AI, cybersecurity and cloud computing, that may suit investors with a very high risk tolerance.
Geared Advantage
The portfolio is focused on capital growth (with exposure to global and Australian shares) with a majority allocation to ‘moderately geared’ funds. It may suit investors with a very high risk tolerance who are comfortable with the risks of gearing.
Provided for illustrative purposes only.
Automate an investment plan
A strategy of regular contributions can help you steadily build wealth. You can set up a plan to invest regularly and automatically into your chosen portfolio, and/or make one-off investments:
From within Betashares Direct, set up regular investments into your portfolio via direct debit from your bank account              ORLog into your bank account and schedule regular investments using your portfolio’s unique BSB and account number
Direct other payments such as part of your salary or tax return into your Betashares Direct portfolio
Invest the exact amount you want with fractional investing
Automate an investment plan
A strategy of regular contributions can help you steadily build wealth. You can set up a plan to invest regularly and automatically into your chosen portfolio, and/or make one-off investments:
From within Betashares Direct, set up regular investments into your portfolio via direct debit from your bank account              ORLog into your bank account and schedule regular investments using your portfolio’s unique BSB and account number
Direct other payments such as your salary or tax return into your Betashares Direct portfolio
Invest the exact amount you want with fractional investing
Provided for illustrative purposes only.
Transparent low fees
Managed Portfolio balance
Under $10k
Over $10k to $100k
Over $100k to $500k
Over $500k to $2m
$2m +
Portfolio fee
0.20% p.a.
0.18% p.a.
0.16% p.a.
0.14% p.a.

A portfolio fee of 0.20% p.a. is equivalent to $20 p.a. per $10,000 invested.
Refer to the PDS for information on interest retained by Betashares on cash balances
Different portfolio fees apply to Custom Portfolios. The fees for Custom Portfolios can be found here.
Portfolio fee applies to the total balance of the relevant Managed Portfolio.

Start investing with
Managed Portfolios
Start investing with
Managed Portfolios
Custom Portfolios
Betashares Managed Portfolios place portfolio construction and asset allocation in the hands of our investing experts. However, if you’re an investor who wants to be actively involved in these decisions, Betashares Direct gives you the ability to build your own Custom Portfolio in a few simple steps.
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Custom Portfolios
Betashares Managed Portfolios place portfolio construction and asset allocation in the hands of our investing experts. However, if you’re an investor who wants to be actively involved in these decisions, Betashares Direct gives you the ability to build your own Custom Portfolio in a few simple steps.
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Tools and reporting
Betashares Direct includes personalised tax and performance reporting, and a range of powerful yet intuitive tools that help you to be a better investor.
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A strategy of regular, automatic contributions can help you steadily build wealth.
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Transfer your portfolio
Consolidating your investments in one place can make it easier for you to manage your portfolio, and to keep track of portfolio performance.
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