Yes, currently Betashares Direct is only available to Australian tax residents. This means you must be able to provide an Australian residential address as a part of the onboarding requirements.
When you make your first deposit into your Betashares Direct account, you will also be asked if you are a tax resident of any other country. If so, you will be asked to provide your Tax Identification Number (TIN) for that country.
If you are also a tax resident of the United States, the field to enter your TIN will be mandatory because we are required to collect this under the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
You will generally be able to access your tax reporting by the end of August each year. The tax reporting timeline is as follows:
ETF issuers undertake tax calculations in relation to their ETFs.
Early August
ETF issuers begin to provide tax information to investors (including to Betashares Direct). Note: any delays in issuers providing this information may affect the timing of the availability of your Betashares Direct tax statements.
Betashares Direct prepares your annual tax statement and CGT statement.
End of August
Your tax statement and CGT statement will be ready in Betashares Direct. We’ll notify you by email when they become available.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
Any dividend income (including unfranked and franked dividends) from ASX-listed shares or ETFs that have exposure to underlying shares in Australian companies forms part of the investor’s assessable income for the relevant year. Any franking credits received from such investments may be offset against your Australian income tax liability in the relevant year. It should be noted that the ability to offset franking credits against income tax payable is subject to certain restrictions, and we recommend you check with your tax adviser or contact the ATO.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
We adopt a first-in-first-out (FIFO) methodology. This means that Betashares Direct will identify the earliest purchased parcel of shares/units and determine the cost base of those shares/units. The cost base will be matched against the capital proceeds (received from the disposal) for the purposes of calculating a capital gain or loss.
We currently don’t support other methodologies such as minimum gains or maximum gains. If you wish to adopt a methodology other than FIFO, you will need to make your own calculations of gains/losses.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
The information will be presented in two separate statements:
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
Yes. You can transfer your investments held in the name of an SMSF or trust from another account provider or platform to the Betashares Direct account held in the name of the same SMSF or trust, provided the account names match exactly, and there is no change in beneficial ownership. If you have a financial or tax adviser please discuss with them before initiating a transfer.
A portfolio transfer can be initiated on mobile or web while you are logged into the Betashares Direct account for your SMSF or Trust:
For mobile: Log in to Betashares Direct, go to Profile, and then Transfer request.
For web: Log in to Betashares Direct, go to Manage Account, and then Transfers.
Enter the details of your other account, account designation and the holdings to transfer, upload photo ID (e.g., driver's licence or passport), review, sign, and submit.
An annual tax statement and tax report will be provided at the end of year to assist with the fund tax return preparation.
If your SMSF currently pays retirement phase income streams to its members, the income from investment assets supporting the retirement phase (or pension) income streams will generally be subject to an exemption from income tax.
Betashares cannot identify these assets on behalf of a trustee of an SMSF. The identification of investment assets supporting the retirement phase income streams will need to be performed by the SMSF trustee(s). We recommend you seek tax advice from a registered tax agent.
For the purposes of preparing an SMSF’s accounts, statements and annual return, you may need information on the value of investment(s) held on Betashares Direct by your SMSF. Betashares will provide an end of year report showing the market value of your investment(s).
The report is included in the end of year reporting package. This can also be used for other purposes, such as valuation of assets for transfer balance cap calculations.
Information relating to investments held in your Betashares Direct account is detailed in the annual investor statement and the end of year reporting package made available to investors.
At this stage, Betashares Direct is not integrated with Class and BGL accounting software. However, it is anticipated that integration will be in place in 2025, and will include the ability to access data from the opening of the account.
CSV exports will also be available soon for investors who may need to provide trade information to their accountant or to software applications such as Sharesight.
Yes. You can skip an order by going to the Manage section under Auto-invest in Profile settings. Click on the ETF that you would like to skip the next order for. Your next scheduled order will not be executed, and your recurring order will resume on the next scheduled order date. This allows you to retain your preferences but maintain flexibility. This instruction must be provided prior to the scheduled date of the relevant order.
There are two ways to manage/edit your Auto-invest recurring order.
We are working on making this account type available. Contact Customer Support to be notified when the child (minor) account feature is available on Betashares Direct.
We are working on making this feature available. Contact Customer Support to be notified when joint accounts become available on Betashares Direct.
You can request to close your Betashares Direct account at any time by contacting us via in-app chat.
Before closing your account, you will need to:
Once all your investments have been sold and you have no cash balance remaining in your Cash Wallet, please reach out to Customer Support via in-app chat and request to begin the account closure process.
Please note that if you funded your account or have made investments on Betashares Direct we are required to retain data related to your account for 7 years.
T+2 is short for Transaction Date plus Two Business Days Settlement. This means the exchange of cash for securities takes place two business days after the transaction date.
For example, if your sell order is completed on Monday (the transaction date), the cash proceeds of the sale will become available for withdrawal after T+2 settlement on Wednesday. You will be able to submit a withdrawal request after the sell order is completed. However, it will take 2 business days for the cash proceeds to be available for the withdrawal.
Rebalancing refers to the buying or selling of ETF units or shares in order to bring your Portfolio weightings back to the applicable investment allocation for the relevant Managed Portfolio or Custom Portfolio.
Managed portfolios
When you invest in a Managed Portfolio, your money is invested in units in the ETFs the portfolio comprises, in accordance with the portfolio’s target weighting. The portfolio is then rebalanced as follows:
Custom Portfolios
When you make a deposit into a Managed Portfolio or Custom Portfolio, the deposit will be applied to acquire additional units or shares in the following order: (a) proportionately in any underweight holdings based on the applicable investment allocation; (b) proportionately in accordance with the applicable investment allocation.
To withdraw funds from your Portfolio you need to initiate a transfer of money to your Cash Wallet by following these steps:
By requesting such a transfer from a Portfolio to your Cash Wallet, you are taken to be providing an instruction to sell part or all of your investment in the Portfolio. Accordingly, once you have confirmed the amount to transfer, Betashares will sell down the relevant investments in your Portfolio and transfer the proceeds to your Cash Wallet (generally within two business days after execution of the sell orders relating to the request).
You can then withdraw the funds from your Cash Wallet to your linked bank account, by following the bellow steps:
To close a Portfolio, you will first need to instruct us to sell down all the investments held in the Portfolio and transfer the cash proceeds to your Cash Wallet by navigating to ‘Manage’ in your Portfolio, and selecting ‘Transfer out’. Once this is completed, you can close your Portfolio by navigating to the menu button on the top right of the ‘Manage’ screen. Any additional dividends, distributions or other payments relating to the investments in your Portfolio received after you close your Portfolio will be paid into your Cash Wallet.
Portfolio fees will typically be tax deductible as a cost of investing. These fees are not included in the tax statement but will be set out in your annual investor statement.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
When we make your annual tax statement available on Betashares Direct, we will also send tax statement data electronically to the ATO so it can be prefilled in your tax return.
While CGT statement data will also be sent electronically to the ATO, this information will not
be prefilled.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
An account designation is a specific title given to an account to identify its purpose or ownership. For example:
Review your account statements or any documents you received when opening the account. These often include the account designation.
To sell any holdings on Betashares Direct:
Market orders for ETFs will generally be executed between 10.15am and 4.00pm on a trading day.
Limit orders for ETFs will generally be executed between 9.30am and 4.10pm on a trading day (assuming the market price reaches the specified limit price (or better) on the trading day).
Orders for shares will be executed when the relevant security is available for trading on each trading day. Market orders for shares can only be placed during market hours
Consistent with Betashares’ philosophy and focus on helping clients build long term wealth, Betashares Direct is subject to a Fair Use Policy to ensure the platform is not used in an excessive or unreasonable manner.
This policy allows for a maximum of three sets of buy and sell trades in any one security in a period of 30 days. For example, you may make as many buy trades as you like for a particular security but no more than three sell trades of the same security in a 30-day period.
If this limit is reached, your ability to place buy orders for any security on Betashares Direct will be disabled for 30 days. Your ability to sell existing holdings will not be restricted. This restriction will not apply to automated investments already set up on the account (such as recurring investments using Auto-invest or direct debits into a Managed Portfolio).
See the Fair Use Policy here :,them%20build%20long%20term%20wealth.
No, Betashares does not earn any form of revenue from spreads or the execution of orders (such as payment for order flow, which is not permitted in Australia).
Distributions/dividends form part of your taxable income, regardless of whether they are reinvested or received and retained in your Cash Wallet. Please refer to Section 6 of the Product Disclosure Statement for more information and consider seeking advice from a registered tax agent.
You can also find more information in the Betashares Direct Tax Guide, as well as referring to guidance from the ATO.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
No, these holdings will not be included in your Betashares Direct statements. As we do not have visibility of these holdings or any trades you make outside of Betashares Direct, we cannot include them in the capital gain/loss calculations provided in your CGT statement. You should consult with your tax adviser to determine your capital gains or losses for investments held outside your Betashares Direct account.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
The most common reason for a recurring order failing to execute is due to insufficient funds being held in the Cash Wallet to cover the full amount of the order. Please contact support via in-app chat for further information.
Distributions and dividends from your investments will by default be paid into your Cash Wallet. You can elect to turn on automatic reinvestment of distributions/dividends for each of your holdings under “Reinvestments” in your profile settings menu at any time, in which case the cash distributions/dividends received in your account for the relevant holding(s) will (after deducting any applicable withholding tax) be used to automatically acquire additional units/shares in the same investment.
Distributions or dividends you receive from ETFs or shares held in a Managed Portfolio will automatically be reinvested (after being received in cash). You can opt out of automatic reinvestment for a Managed Portfolio from the Manage section of your portfolio, and instead retain distributions in your Cash Wallet. For the B.EARN Passive Income Portfolio the distribution default settings will be to receive in the Cash Wallet, but you can elect to reinvest if that is your preference.
Distributions and dividends form part of your taxable income, regardless of whether they are reinvested or retained in cash. Please refer to Section 6 of the Product Disclosure Statement for more information and speak to your tax adviser.
Dividends or distributions from the investments held in your Betashares Direct account will generally be available in your Cash Wallet within 3 business days of the relevant payment date.
If you have elected to have your distributions/dividends reinvested for a security, those amounts will generally be reinvested within one to two business days after they are received in your Cash Wallet.
You will receive a notification via email when a distribution or dividend has been paid to your Cash Wallet and you will also see this in your activity screen in the app.
For any holdings that you have elected to have your distributions or dividends automatically reinvested, the dividend payments will be received in cash into your Cash Wallet and then used to automatically acquire additional units or shares at the applicable market price at the time the order is executed, generally within 1-2 business days after the cash distribution or dividend is received.
You can change the reinvestment election for a holding at any time (via the Betashares Direct App).
It is a straightforward process to submit your portfolio transfer if you have the required information at hand. The process is initiated from within the Direct platform. Once you are logged in, go to “Transfer request” section from the profile menu settings.
Before you start, make sure you have:
It’s a simple process to transfer your holdings from another account to Betashares Direct.
We take care of the rest and will let you know when your holdings have been transferred to your Betashares Direct account.
We do not charge a fee to transfer holdings into your Betashares Direct account from another account. Your other account provider may charge fees - be sure to check before you submit the transfer request.
A fee of $9.50 per security will apply for a transfer of your holdings from your Betashares Direct account to another provider. Refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for more information.
As long as there is no change in beneficial ownership, the transfer of holdings from your other account to your Betashares Direct account should not trigger a capital gains tax (CGT) event. We recommend you obtain independent professional taxation advice to confirm the taxation implications of transferring your holdings.
When you request to transfer your holdings to Betashares Direct, you can provide us with information regarding the cost price of each holding to ensure your capital gains tax (CGT) and performance reporting is accurate.
If you don’t provide this information, the cost price of the holdings you transfer will be taken to be the prevailing market price at the time the relevant holdings are transferred into your Betashares Direct account, and the purchase date will be the date on which the relevant holdings are transferred.
Yes, you can request a transfer of some or all of your investments in your Betashares Direct account to another account held in your name. Such a request will need to be initiated with the provider of your other account. A fee of up to $9.50 per security will apply. Your transfer may not be processed if you do not have sufficient available cash in your Cash Wallet to cover the total fees.
Betashares Direct currently offers the ability to invest in over 300 ASX-listed shares (generally being 300 of the largest companies on the ASX by market capitalisation). You will see a list of all the ASX shares available on Betashares in the search field in the transfer request. Please contact us if you hold any shares with another account provider or broker that are not currently supported on Betashares Direct that you would like to transfer to your Betashares Direct account.
No, you cannot transfer investments from individual to non-individual accounts on Betashares Direct.
Your account number can be found at the top of your quarterly statement.
At the end of each income year, Betashares will issue the following statements and reports to assist with tax return preparation:
These statements and reports will be accompanied by a Tax Guide to assist you and your tax agent with the preparation of your tax return.
These statements are prepared based on certain assumptions, so it is recommended that you seek your own tax advice.
There are low monthly fees if you use the Managed or Custom Portfolio features.
For any Managed Portfolio, the following portfolio fees apply:
- Fees for a total portfolio value under $10,000k : $3 per month
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $10,000-$100,000: 0.20% of the total portfolio value
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $100,000 - $500,000: 0.18% of the total portfolio value
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $500,000 - $2,000,000: 0.16% of the total portfolio value
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $2,000,000+: 0.14% of the total portfolio value
Custom Portfolios:
All Betashares ETFs:
- Fees for a total portfolio value under $10,000k : $3 per month
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $10,000-$100,000: 0.20% of the total portfolio value
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $100,000 - $500,000: 0.18% of the total portfolio value
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $500,000 - $2,000,000: 0.16% of the total portfolio value
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $2,000,000+: 0.14% of the total portfolio value
Up to 10 ETFs of any issuer and/or Shares:
- Fees for a total portfolio value under $10,000k : $4 per month
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $10,000-$100,000: 0.25% of the total portfolio value
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $100,000 - $500,000: 0.225% of the total portfolio value
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $500,000 - $2,000,000: 0.20% of the total portfolio value
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $2,000,000+: 0.175% of the total portfolio value
Between 11 and 50 ETFs and/or Shares:
- Fees for a total portfolio value under $10,000k : $4.50 per month
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $10,000-$100,000: 0.30% of the total portfolio value
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $100,000 - $500,000: 0.27% of the total portfolio value
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $500,000 - $2,000,000: 0.24% of the total portfolio value
- Fees for a total portfolio value of $2,000,000+: 0.21% of the total portfolio value
Betashares is a leading Australian financial services company dedicated to helping customers build long-term wealth.
We currently manage over $40 billion in assets, and serve more than one million investors and thousands of financial advisers who are helping Australians achieve their financial goals.
Betashares has a range of investment solutions to help customers meet their financial aspirations including the broadest range of ETFs on the Australian market, investing platform Betashares Direct, and a superannuation offering.
Learn more about Betashares here.
It takes just a few minutes to open an account with Betashares Direct.
Simply sign-up via Web or download the Betashares Direct app on your iOS device via the App Store or for Android via Google Play.
You can then sign-up and register for an account by providing:
We may also ask you for additional information as part of this process, including details of your current Australian driver’s license or a passport with at least three years remaining until expiry.
What if I don’t have a passport or driver’s licence?
If you don’t have a current Australian driver’s license or a valid passport, our Customer Support team can assist you through in-app chat or via email ([email protected]). You may be requested to provide additional details to complete verification, e.g. your Medicare card, bank statement or utility bill information.
To comply with Australian AML/CTF laws and AUSTRAC guidelines, Betashares is required to collect certain personal details to open a Betashares Direct account for you. This includes your legal name, date of birth, address, and source(s) of wealth.
Betashares Direct currently offers access to the following investment options:
Betashares Direct aims to keep your costs low, to help you maximise your investment returns over the long-term.
No brokerage fees apply to buying or selling ETFs and shares using Betashares Direct.
Low monthly portfolio fees apply for Managed and Custom Portfolios.
Interest income received by Betashares in respect of the cash balance held in Betashares Direct account is retained by Betashares. This amount is not directly deducted from your Betashares Direct account.
You can set up a Betashares Direct account in the name of your SMSF or trust in two ways:
Once your account has been opened, you can transfer money from your nominated Australian bank account into your Cash Wallet.
Your transfer will usually appear in your Cash Wallet within 1 hour, but may take up to 3 business days, as processing times may vary by bank.
Some banks may place a one-day hold on your first transfer via Osko. Subsequent Osko transfers will typically be processed instantly.
Portfolios on Betashares Direct let you easily and efficiently automate your investing strategy. Portfolios allow you to:
Providing your Tax File Number (TFN) or Australian Business Number (ABN) is not mandatory. However, if you do not provide your TFN or ABN, withholding tax may be deducted from your distributions at the highest marginal tax rate (plus the Medicare Levy), unless you are eligible to claim an exemption.
You can provide any applicable tax exemption information to our Customer Support team.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
You can set up recurring orders via Auto-invest into up to 5 Betashares ETFs, excluding short funds or other funds as determined by Betashares.
Auto-invest is not available for shares or ETFs issued by other providers at this stage. If you would like to set up recurring investments into non-Betashares ETFs or ASX-listed shares, you can do so by setting up a Custom Portfolio (portfolio fees will apply – refer to the PDS for more information).
Some ETPs available through Betashares Invest are not able to be included in a Custom Portfolio. The ETPs that are able to be included in a Custom Portfolio will be displayed when you proceed to set up a Managed Portfolio in the Betashares Direct App.
Betashares Direct is a new kind of investing platform designed to help you build long-term wealth, your way.
With Betashares Direct you can invest in all ETFs traded on the ASX and in over 300 ASX listed shares with zero brokerage. You can set up recurring investments into up to 5 Betashares ETFs to cost-effectively automate your investing strategy using Auto-invest, or access professionally constructed Managed portfolios or build-your-own Custom portfolios, all with streamlined, personalised performance and tax reporting to make your investments simple to administer and manage.
*Refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for more information on interest retained by Betashares on cash balances and Managed and Custom Portfolio fees.
Only applications by SMSFs that are Australian complying super funds will be accepted.
Only applications by Australian trusts will be accepted.
You can set up recurring orders for a maximum of 5 Betashares ETFs. You have the flexibility to set these orders to have different frequencies, amounts (subject to a minimum of $100 per recurring order) and start dates.
If you would like to set up a recurring investment strategy into more than 5 Betashares ETFs or any non- Betashares ETFs, or ASX-listed shares, you may wish to consider setting up a Custom Portfolio (portfolio fees apply – refer to the PDS for more information).
Some ETPs available through Betashares Invest are not able to be included in a Custom Portfolio. The ETPs that are able to be included in a Custom Portfolio will be displayed when you proceed to set up a Managed Portfolio in the Betashares Direct App.
All ETF units held through your Betashares Direct account are fractionalised.
Fractional investing allows you to invest any amount above $10 (being the minimum investment amount to buy a fraction of an ETF unit or share), giving you the flexibility to invest without having to invest in whole units or shares (available for market orders only). This means you can invest the full amount of your choice, with no residual cash left sitting uninvested.
Another benefit of fractional investing is the ability to reinvest the entire distribution or dividend you receive from your ETF and share holdings. Every dollar of the distribution is reinvested, with no residual cash left sitting uninvested.
Limit orders
Buy and sell limit orders, can only be submitted for a whole unit or share.
Betashares Direct is currently available to individuals, SMSFs and Trusts but will be available soon to other types of investors, including company and joint accounts.
To get started, individual investors will need to:
Cash Wallet
There is no minimum deposit amount when transferring from your bank account into your Betashares Direct Cash Wallet. The minimum value for a buy order is $10.
Managed or Custom Portfolios
The minimum deposit amount for a Managed or Custom Portfolio depends on the payment method:
Yes, before you can submit a buy order for ETF units or shares you will need to make a deposit into your Cash Wallet. The minimum amount for a buy order is $10.
Managed and Custom Portfolios
If you are investing via a Managed or Custom Portfolio, you will be provided with a unique BSB and account number for each portfolio which you can top up directly by way of transfer from your bank account. Alternatively, you can fund your investments via direct debit once you have linked a bank account. You do not need available cash in your Cash Wallet to set up direct debit for Managed and Custom Portfolios.
You can create a Managed Portfolio in a few simple steps:
There are no account fees associated with opening a Betashares Direct account.
There are low monthly fees if you use the Managed or Custom Portfolio features (find more information here).
Interest income received by Betashares in respect of the cash balance held in your Betashares Direct account is retained by Betashares. This amount is not deducted directly from your account. Refer to the PDS for more information.
You will receive a single tax statement that provides a summary of the taxable income from the investments you held in your Betashares Direct account during the year.
In addition to this, you will receive a CGT statement with capital gain and loss information on any investments you sold during the year.
When preparing your tax return, you will need to combine the information from the annual tax statement and the CGT statement to determine your taxable income and net capital gain or loss position for the investments in your Betashares Direct account.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
Corporate actions can be either mandatory or voluntary. Mandatory corporate actions, such as company or fund restructures, apply automatically and holders do not have a choice whether to participate or opt out. Voluntary corporate actions, such as rights issues, share buy-backs and bonus issues, generally give holders the choice whether to participate or opt out. Ordinarily you will not be able to participate in voluntary corporate actions or vote on resolutions regarding your investments. Refer to our Voting Policy, which you can request via in-app chat or by emailing [email protected], for more information.
The security of your Betashares Direct account is very important to us. We have implemented robust measures to safeguard your account and your personal information:
Your annual tax statement and CGT statement are available within the Betashares Direct App after the end of 30 June each year. We will notify you by email once your statements are ready to access.
All reporting available via Betashares Direct relates only to your holdings in your Betashares Direct account. Any tax reporting related to investments in Betashares ETFs held outside your Betashares Direct account will be available from Link Market Services, being the unit registrar for Betashares ETFs (you will need to register with them to access this information).
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
No, Betashares cannot set up an SMSF for you. The trustee(s) of an existing SMSF can set up a Betashares Direct account to make investments through the platform on behalf of the SMSF.
There is comprehensive information about setting up an SMSF on the Australian Taxation Office’s website. You can access by clicking this link:
It’s simple to set up a recurring order with Auto-invest. There are two ways to set up a recurring order.
Note: Auto-invest is only available for up to 5 Betashares ETFs (this feature is not available for certain funds, such as short funds).
For each recurring order you have the flexibility to set:
Betashares Direct is a new kind of investing platform designed to help you build long-term wealth. Investors benefit from zero brokerage, fractional investing, and personalised portfolio performance and tax reporting.
To deliver all these benefits to Australian investors, Betashares Direct does not act as a broker and is not CHESS-sponsored. Rather, your investments are held on a pooled basis by the custodian of Betashares Direct (Citigroup Pty Ltd). You are the beneficial owner of the investments held in your Betashares Direct account, and as the beneficial owner, you retain the rights to distributions paid on your investments.
You can request a withdrawal of cash from your Cash Wallet to your linked bank account at any time. There is no minimum withdrawal amount. To link your bank account to Betashares Direct, go to “Linked bank accounts” in the profile menu and complete the verification process.
Withdrawals can take between 2-5 days to complete depending on the settlement time for any sell orders required to fund the withdrawal request.
There are two types of order available on Betashares Direct.
Limit Orders
A limit order is an instruction to buy or sell a security at a price specified by you (or better).
A ‘Buy’ limit order will only be executed if the market price reaches your specified price (or lower). A ‘Sell’ limit order will only be executed if the market price reaches your specified price (or higher).
When placing a limit order, you will need to set an expiry date on the order. You can choose one of the following:
The execution of a limit order is not always certain. Limit orders are executed based on the quantity of units or shares you wish to buy or sell. The order will remain outstanding until the total quantity you have specified has been bought or sold (as applicable), the order expires, or it is cancelled by you. Limit orders can only be placed for whole units or shares only.
Limit orders will be executed on a trading day between 9.30am and 4.10pm AEST if the market price reaches your specified price (or better) on the relevant trading day, i.e. in addition to normal market hours, a limit order can also be executed during the opening auction or closing auction.
Market Orders
A market order is an instruction to buy or sell a security, based on the quantity or amount, at the prevailing market price (which will not be determined until the order is executed and may be different to the indicative price displayed at the time you place the order). Market orders can be placed for whole and/or part units or shares.
Market orders for ETF units that are placed outside of market hours will generally be executed after the market opens on the next trading day (at or after 10.15am AEST, after the opening auction).
Market orders for shares cannot be placed outside of market hours (10.00am to 4.00pm on a trading day).
Managed Portfolios are diversified portfolios that are constructed and managed by Betashares’ investment experts.
We offer the B.CORE Diversified Portfolio range across 6 different risk profiles:
We also offer focused exposure portfolios:
The benefits of Managed Portfolios include:
If your investment objective or risk profile changes, you can easily switch from one Managed Portfolio to another by clicking on the ‘Manage’ button within your Managed Portfolio account. Bear in mind that changing your portfolio may affect your returns and have tax implications.
No, we will arrange with your other account provider to process the transfer after you submit the transfer request. If there are any missing details, we will contact you directly.
Cash withdrawals from your Betashares Direct Cash Wallet can take up to 2 business days to arrive in your linked bank account after you submit the request.
If you have any pending sell orders the proceeds of which are required to satisfy the withdrawal request, the relevant transaction must be completely settled (T+2) before the cash proceeds can be transferred to your linked bank account.
This means it could take up to 4 business days for your withdrawal proceeds to be available in your linked bank account (2 business days for settlement of the sell order and 2 business days for the cash proceeds to be transferred from your Cash Wallet to your linked bank account.
Betashares may suspend or delay withdrawals from your Cash Wallet in certain circumstances (see the PDS for more information).
Yes, you can change your linked bank account by following these steps:
To ensure the security of your account we have integrated with a third-party service provider, Basiq, to verify that you own any bank account that you are seeking link to your Betashares Direct account. Once you have been verified through this process, you can manage your third party sharing permissions at any time.
Neither Betashares nor Basiq collects any information that would enable us to access your bank account.
In the first 15 minutes of trading, there can be a lot more volatility in ETF unit prices. In this situation, a market maker’s spreads may tend to be wider and the iNAV will be based on a price that can significantly move in a short period of time. To avoid being exposed to such risk, market orders for ETF units will only be executed at or after 10:15am on the relevant trading day.
Share trading will be available when the relevant security is open for trading on each trading day (generally between 10.00am and 4.00pm), but market orders for shares cannot be placed while the market is closed.
You are the beneficial owner of the investments held in your Betashares Direct account. As the beneficial owner, you retain the rights to distributions and dividends paid on your investments. You have the sole right to dispose of (sell) your investments.
All investments are held on a pooled basis by the independent custodian of Betashares Direct. Betashares has appointed Citigroup Pty Ltd as the custodian to hold investments on Betashares’ behalf.
When you open a Betashares Direct account, a Cash Wallet will be opened for you. The cash in your Cash Wallet will be pooled with the cash balance of other investors and held in one or more Australian bank accounts operated by the custodian.
The annual tax statement provides information on capitals gains realised within the ETFs you hold through your Betashares Direct account, which are passed through to you and reported under the individual tax return labels 18H and 18A. These capital gains components are referred to as ‘indirect capital gains’. These amounts will automatically prefill in your individual tax return.
The CGT statement sets out the capital gains and losses realised on any investments (e.g. shares or ETF units) you sold via Betashares Direct during the relevant tax year. These capital gains and losses are referred to as ‘direct capital gains/losses’.
You will need to combine your direct and indirect capital gains/losses to arrive at your complete position (in relation to the holdings in your Betashares Direct account), before applying the CGT discount.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
Only the SMSF trustee, or the director of the SMSF trustee, where the trustee is a company, who has set up the account can access and provide instructions in relation to the Betashares Direct account.
All recurring orders are executed brokerage-free using available cash from the Cash Wallet in your Betashares Direct account. For your orders to be executed, you must have sufficient available cash in your Wallet the day before the order is scheduled. We recommend setting up a recurring transfer from your bank account into your Wallet, so that the entire process – from funding your wallet through to your recurring investment – is automated. Please note: if you have multiple recurring orders scheduled for the same day, you will need to make sure you have sufficient available cash in your Wallet to cover all the orders. We will not place partial orders, or select a fund to invest in - if there is insufficient available cash in your Wallet, none of your scheduled orders will be executed. Your recurring order instructions will remain in place and will be executed on the next scheduled date (assuming you have sufficient available cash in your Cash Wallet).
A Custom Portfolio allows you to control your investing strategy by building your own portfolio of up to 50 ETFs and/or shares.
Custom Portfolios are generally only suitable for investors who have sufficient financial knowledge and skills to create a portfolio that meets their risk tolerance and investment objectives.
The benefits of Custom Portfolios include:
You can set up, view or update your linked bank account from the “Linked Bank Account” option in the profile menu settings.
To withdraw funds from your account or set up a direct debit, you must link a bank account. For added protection, we verify your authority to access the nominated bank account using a third-party service provider. You will be asked to share data via Basiq’s platform for security purposes (to verify account ownership). Once your bank account is linked, you can remove the sharing permission (your bank account will remain linked to your Betashares Direct).
Yes. Once your bank account has been successfully linked and you can see it listed under “Linked bank accounts”, you can choose to stop sharing the data with Basiq (which is required to verify you as the account owner when you first link the bank account) and your bank account will remain linked to your Betashares Direct account.
To stop sharing your data with Basiq, go to the “Linked bank accounts” page in your profile menu settings, tap on “Manage connections” (for mobile this is found when you tap on the three dots at the top of the page), and select “stop sharing”.
Please note we will automatically turn off the sharing for each connection (ie bank account that you have linked) 30 days after the data is shared for verification purposes.
No - provided the accounts are linked to the same email address. You will log in using the email address registered to your account(s). You can then switch between accounts from the Profile tab.
Recurring orders are placed as a market order and are usually executed within 2 hours after the market opens on the scheduled order date or next trading day after the scheduled order date (if the scheduled order date is not a trading day).
Betashares Direct is not a broker and is not CHESS-sponsored, so you will not be issued with a HIN by the ASX in relation to your holdings. Rather, your investments are held on a pooled basis by the custodian of Betashares Direct (Citigroup Pty Ltd). You are the beneficial owner of the investments held in your Betashares Direct account and as the beneficial owner, you retain the rights to distributions and dividends paid on your investments.
Additionally, Betashares handles all the admin and registry work for investments held within Betashares Direct, so you don’t need to register with a separate unit registry to manage your holdings. You can add and update your nominated bank account details in Betashares Direct, update your dividend/distribution reinvestment preferences, provide your TFN, and access your tax statements.
You can edit or delete an order if it has not yet been executed. To edit or cancel a pending order:
There are several ways to make a deposit into your Portfolio:
How long it takes for your deposit to be received in your Portfolio will depend on the method you use:
Once the deposit is available in your Portfolio, the amount will be invested in accordance with the applicable investment allocation (as described in the PDS). Units will be acquired at the applicable market prices when the order is executed (generally within 2 business days after the deposit is received).
Betashares Direct has been built to simplify tax time for you.
At the end of each financial year, Betashares will provide you with a single annual tax statement relating to all your investments in Betashares Direct. This includes gains and losses from holdings sold over the last financial year, income received from distributions and dividends, and a consolidated report of all the tax attributes associated with your holdings on Betashares Direct. You or your tax agent will be able to use this document for the preparation of your tax return.
In addition, information from your Betashares Direct annual tax statement will be provided to the ATO, which will be used to pre-fill your tax return.
You can also download a full csv transaction list for your account at anytime from the activity screen in the web app at
The Betashares Direct Tax Guide is also available to assist you or your tax agent with the preparation of your tax return.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
For each recurring order, the minimum amount per order is $100.
Several factors can contribute to your order not being filled. These include:
Set-up a recuring deposit following these steps:
Yes, we will adjust the cost base of the investments held in your Betashares Direct account by the cost base adjustments disclosed in the relevant ETF’s tax statement.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
Betashares is a leading Australian financial services company dedicated to helping customers build long-term wealth.
We currently manage over $40 billion in assets, and serve more than one million investors and thousands of financial advisers who are helping Australians achieve their financial goals.
Betashares has a range of investment solutions to help customers meet their financial aspirations including the broadest range of ETFs on the Australian market, investing platform Betashares Direct, and a superannuation offering.
Learn more about Betashares here.
Betashares Direct is a new kind of investing platform designed to help you build long-term wealth, your way.
With Betashares Direct you can invest in all ETFs traded on the ASX and in over 300 ASX listed shares with zero brokerage. You can set up recurring investments into up to 5 Betashares ETFs to cost-effectively automate your investing strategy using Auto-invest, or access professionally constructed Managed portfolios or build-your-own Custom portfolios, all with streamlined, personalised performance and tax reporting to make your investments simple to administer and manage.
*Refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for more information on interest retained by Betashares on cash balances and Managed and Custom Portfolio fees.
Betashares Direct is a new kind of investing platform designed to help you build long-term wealth. Investors benefit from zero brokerage, fractional investing, and personalised portfolio performance and tax reporting.
To deliver all these benefits to Australian investors, Betashares Direct does not act as a broker and is not CHESS-sponsored. Rather, your investments are held on a pooled basis by the custodian of Betashares Direct (Citigroup Pty Ltd). You are the beneficial owner of the investments held in your Betashares Direct account, and as the beneficial owner, you retain the rights to distributions paid on your investments.
It takes just a few minutes to open an account with Betashares Direct.
Simply sign-up via Web or download the Betashares Direct app on your iOS device via the App Store or for Android via Google Play.
You can then sign-up and register for an account by providing:
We may also ask you for additional information as part of this process, including details of your current Australian driver’s license or a passport with at least three years remaining until expiry.
What if I don’t have a passport or driver’s licence?
If you don’t have a current Australian driver’s license or a valid passport, our Customer Support team can assist you through in-app chat or via email ([email protected]). You may be requested to provide additional details to complete verification, e.g. your Medicare card, bank statement or utility bill information.
To comply with Australian AML/CTF laws and AUSTRAC guidelines, Betashares is required to collect certain personal details to open a Betashares Direct account for you. This includes your legal name, date of birth, address, and source(s) of wealth.
Betashares Direct is currently available to individuals, SMSFs and Trusts but will be available soon to other types of investors, including company and joint accounts.
To get started, individual investors will need to:
The security of your Betashares Direct account is very important to us. We have implemented robust measures to safeguard your account and your personal information:
You are the beneficial owner of the investments held in your Betashares Direct account. As the beneficial owner, you retain the rights to distributions and dividends paid on your investments. You have the sole right to dispose of (sell) your investments.
All investments are held on a pooled basis by the independent custodian of Betashares Direct. Betashares has appointed Citigroup Pty Ltd as the custodian to hold investments on Betashares’ behalf.
When you open a Betashares Direct account, a Cash Wallet will be opened for you. The cash in your Cash Wallet will be pooled with the cash balance of other investors and held in one or more Australian bank accounts operated by the custodian.
Betashares Direct is not a broker and is not CHESS-sponsored, so you will not be issued with a HIN by the ASX in relation to your holdings. Rather, your investments are held on a pooled basis by the custodian of Betashares Direct (Citigroup Pty Ltd). You are the beneficial owner of the investments held in your Betashares Direct account and as the beneficial owner, you retain the rights to distributions and dividends paid on your investments.
Additionally, Betashares handles all the admin and registry work for investments held within Betashares Direct, so you don’t need to register with a separate unit registry to manage your holdings. You can add and update your nominated bank account details in Betashares Direct, update your dividend/distribution reinvestment preferences, provide your TFN, and access your tax statements.
Once your account has been opened, you can transfer money from your nominated Australian bank account into your Cash Wallet.
Your transfer will usually appear in your Cash Wallet within 1 hour, but may take up to 3 business days, as processing times may vary by bank.
Some banks may place a one-day hold on your first transfer via Osko. Subsequent Osko transfers will typically be processed instantly.
Cash Wallet
There is no minimum deposit amount when transferring from your bank account into your Betashares Direct Cash Wallet. The minimum value for a buy order is $10.
Managed or Custom Portfolios
The minimum deposit amount for a Managed or Custom Portfolio depends on the payment method:
You can request a withdrawal of cash from your Cash Wallet to your linked bank account at any time. There is no minimum withdrawal amount. To link your bank account to Betashares Direct, go to “Linked bank accounts” in the profile menu and complete the verification process.
Withdrawals can take between 2-5 days to complete depending on the settlement time for any sell orders required to fund the withdrawal request.
Cash withdrawals from your Betashares Direct Cash Wallet can take up to 2 business days to arrive in your linked bank account after you submit the request.
If you have any pending sell orders the proceeds of which are required to satisfy the withdrawal request, the relevant transaction must be completely settled (T+2) before the cash proceeds can be transferred to your linked bank account.
This means it could take up to 4 business days for your withdrawal proceeds to be available in your linked bank account (2 business days for settlement of the sell order and 2 business days for the cash proceeds to be transferred from your Cash Wallet to your linked bank account.
Betashares may suspend or delay withdrawals from your Cash Wallet in certain circumstances (see the PDS for more information).
Yes, you can change your linked bank account by following these steps:
To ensure the security of your account we have integrated with a third-party service provider, Basiq, to verify that you own any bank account that you are seeking link to your Betashares Direct account. Once you have been verified through this process, you can manage your third party sharing permissions at any time.
Neither Betashares nor Basiq collects any information that would enable us to access your bank account.
Betashares Direct currently offers access to the following investment options:
Yes, before you can submit a buy order for ETF units or shares you will need to make a deposit into your Cash Wallet. The minimum amount for a buy order is $10.
Managed and Custom Portfolios
If you are investing via a Managed or Custom Portfolio, you will be provided with a unique BSB and account number for each portfolio which you can top up directly by way of transfer from your bank account. Alternatively, you can fund your investments via direct debit once you have linked a bank account. You do not need available cash in your Cash Wallet to set up direct debit for Managed and Custom Portfolios.
There are two types of order available on Betashares Direct.
Limit Orders
A limit order is an instruction to buy or sell a security at a price specified by you (or better).
A ‘Buy’ limit order will only be executed if the market price reaches your specified price (or lower). A ‘Sell’ limit order will only be executed if the market price reaches your specified price (or higher).
When placing a limit order, you will need to set an expiry date on the order. You can choose one of the following:
The execution of a limit order is not always certain. Limit orders are executed based on the quantity of units or shares you wish to buy or sell. The order will remain outstanding until the total quantity you have specified has been bought or sold (as applicable), the order expires, or it is cancelled by you. Limit orders can only be placed for whole units or shares only.
Limit orders will be executed on a trading day between 9.30am and 4.10pm AEST if the market price reaches your specified price (or better) on the relevant trading day, i.e. in addition to normal market hours, a limit order can also be executed during the opening auction or closing auction.
Market Orders
A market order is an instruction to buy or sell a security, based on the quantity or amount, at the prevailing market price (which will not be determined until the order is executed and may be different to the indicative price displayed at the time you place the order). Market orders can be placed for whole and/or part units or shares.
Market orders for ETF units that are placed outside of market hours will generally be executed after the market opens on the next trading day (at or after 10.15am AEST, after the opening auction).
Market orders for shares cannot be placed outside of market hours (10.00am to 4.00pm on a trading day).
You can edit or delete an order if it has not yet been executed. To edit or cancel a pending order:
Several factors can contribute to your order not being filled. These include:
Portfolios on Betashares Direct let you easily and efficiently automate your investing strategy. Portfolios allow you to:
You can create a Managed Portfolio in a few simple steps:
Managed Portfolios are diversified portfolios that are constructed and managed by Betashares’ investment experts.
We offer the B.CORE Diversified Portfolio range across 6 different risk profiles:
We also offer focused exposure portfolios:
The benefits of Managed Portfolios include:
If your investment objective or risk profile changes, you can easily switch from one Managed Portfolio to another by clicking on the ‘Manage’ button within your Managed Portfolio account. Bear in mind that changing your portfolio may affect your returns and have tax implications.
A Custom Portfolio allows you to control your investing strategy by building your own portfolio of up to 50 ETFs and/or shares.
Custom Portfolios are generally only suitable for investors who have sufficient financial knowledge and skills to create a portfolio that meets their risk tolerance and investment objectives.
The benefits of Custom Portfolios include:
There are several ways to make a deposit into your Portfolio:
How long it takes for your deposit to be received in your Portfolio will depend on the method you use:
Once the deposit is available in your Portfolio, the amount will be invested in accordance with the applicable investment allocation (as described in the PDS). Units will be acquired at the applicable market prices when the order is executed (generally within 2 business days after the deposit is received).
Distributions and dividends from your investments will by default be paid into your Cash Wallet. You can elect to turn on automatic reinvestment of distributions/dividends for each of your holdings under “Reinvestments” in your profile settings menu at any time, in which case the cash distributions/dividends received in your account for the relevant holding(s) will (after deducting any applicable withholding tax) be used to automatically acquire additional units/shares in the same investment.
Distributions or dividends you receive from ETFs or shares held in a Managed Portfolio will automatically be reinvested (after being received in cash). You can opt out of automatic reinvestment for a Managed Portfolio from the Manage section of your portfolio, and instead retain distributions in your Cash Wallet. For the B.EARN Passive Income Portfolio the distribution default settings will be to receive in the Cash Wallet, but you can elect to reinvest if that is your preference.
Distributions and dividends form part of your taxable income, regardless of whether they are reinvested or retained in cash. Please refer to Section 6 of the Product Disclosure Statement for more information and speak to your tax adviser.
Dividends or distributions from the investments held in your Betashares Direct account will generally be available in your Cash Wallet within 3 business days of the relevant payment date.
If you have elected to have your distributions/dividends reinvested for a security, those amounts will generally be reinvested within one to two business days after they are received in your Cash Wallet.
You will receive a notification via email when a distribution or dividend has been paid to your Cash Wallet and you will also see this in your activity screen in the app.
For any holdings that you have elected to have your distributions or dividends automatically reinvested, the dividend payments will be received in cash into your Cash Wallet and then used to automatically acquire additional units or shares at the applicable market price at the time the order is executed, generally within 1-2 business days after the cash distribution or dividend is received.
You can change the reinvestment election for a holding at any time (via the Betashares Direct App).
Betashares Direct aims to keep your costs low, to help you maximise your investment returns over the long-term.
No brokerage fees apply to buying or selling ETFs and shares using Betashares Direct.
Low monthly portfolio fees apply for Managed and Custom Portfolios.
Interest income received by Betashares in respect of the cash balance held in Betashares Direct account is retained by Betashares. This amount is not directly deducted from your Betashares Direct account.
There are no account fees associated with opening a Betashares Direct account.
There are low monthly fees if you use the Managed or Custom Portfolio features (find more information here).
Interest income received by Betashares in respect of the cash balance held in your Betashares Direct account is retained by Betashares. This amount is not deducted directly from your account. Refer to the PDS for more information.
Providing your Tax File Number (TFN) or Australian Business Number (ABN) is not mandatory. However, if you do not provide your TFN or ABN, withholding tax may be deducted from your distributions at the highest marginal tax rate (plus the Medicare Levy), unless you are eligible to claim an exemption.
You can provide any applicable tax exemption information to our Customer Support team.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
You will receive a single tax statement that provides a summary of the taxable income from the investments you held in your Betashares Direct account during the year.
In addition to this, you will receive a CGT statement with capital gain and loss information on any investments you sold during the year.
When preparing your tax return, you will need to combine the information from the annual tax statement and the CGT statement to determine your taxable income and net capital gain or loss position for the investments in your Betashares Direct account.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
Your annual tax statement and CGT statement are available within the Betashares Direct App after the end of 30 June each year. We will notify you by email once your statements are ready to access.
All reporting available via Betashares Direct relates only to your holdings in your Betashares Direct account. Any tax reporting related to investments in Betashares ETFs held outside your Betashares Direct account will be available from Link Market Services, being the unit registrar for Betashares ETFs (you will need to register with them to access this information).
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
The annual tax statement provides information on capitals gains realised within the ETFs you hold through your Betashares Direct account, which are passed through to you and reported under the individual tax return labels 18H and 18A. These capital gains components are referred to as ‘indirect capital gains’. These amounts will automatically prefill in your individual tax return.
The CGT statement sets out the capital gains and losses realised on any investments (e.g. shares or ETF units) you sold via Betashares Direct during the relevant tax year. These capital gains and losses are referred to as ‘direct capital gains/losses’.
You will need to combine your direct and indirect capital gains/losses to arrive at your complete position (in relation to the holdings in your Betashares Direct account), before applying the CGT discount.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
Betashares Direct has been built to simplify tax time for you.
At the end of each financial year, Betashares will provide you with a single annual tax statement relating to all your investments in Betashares Direct. This includes gains and losses from holdings sold over the last financial year, income received from distributions and dividends, and a consolidated report of all the tax attributes associated with your holdings on Betashares Direct. You or your tax agent will be able to use this document for the preparation of your tax return.
In addition, information from your Betashares Direct annual tax statement will be provided to the ATO, which will be used to pre-fill your tax return.
You can also download a full csv transaction list for your account at anytime from the activity screen in the web app at
The Betashares Direct Tax Guide is also available to assist you or your tax agent with the preparation of your tax return.
The information provided is of general nature only and should not be construed as tax advice. It is recommended that you seek tax advice specific to your personal circumstances from a registered tax agent before making an investment decision.
No, we will arrange with your other account provider to process the transfer after you submit the transfer request. If there are any missing details, we will contact you directly.
It is a straightforward process to submit your portfolio transfer if you have the required information at hand. The process is initiated from within the Direct platform. Once you are logged in, go to “Transfer request” section from the profile menu settings.
Before you start, make sure you have:
It’s a simple process to transfer your holdings from another account to Betashares Direct.
We take care of the rest and will let you know when your holdings have been transferred to your Betashares Direct account.
We do not charge a fee to transfer holdings into your Betashares Direct account from another account. Your other account provider may charge fees - be sure to check before you submit the transfer request.
A fee of $9.50 per security will apply for a transfer of your holdings from your Betashares Direct account to another provider. Refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for more information.
Yes, you can request a transfer of some or all of your investments in your Betashares Direct account to another account held in your name. Such a request will need to be initiated with the provider of your other account. A fee of up to $9.50 per security will apply. Your transfer may not be processed if you do not have sufficient available cash in your Cash Wallet to cover the total fees.
You can set up a Betashares Direct account in the name of your SMSF or trust in two ways:
Only applications by SMSFs that are Australian complying super funds will be accepted.
Only applications by Australian trusts will be accepted.
No, Betashares cannot set up an SMSF for you. The trustee(s) of an existing SMSF can set up a Betashares Direct account to make investments through the platform on behalf of the SMSF.
There is comprehensive information about setting up an SMSF on the Australian Taxation Office’s website. You can access by clicking this link:
Only the SMSF trustee, or the director of the SMSF trustee, where the trustee is a company, who has set up the account can access and provide instructions in relation to the Betashares Direct account.
No - provided the accounts are linked to the same email address. You will log in using the email address registered to your account(s). You can then switch between accounts from the Profile tab.
You can set up recurring orders for a maximum of 5 Betashares ETFs. You have the flexibility to set these orders to have different frequencies, amounts (subject to a minimum of $100 per recurring order) and start dates.
If you would like to set up a recurring investment strategy into more than 5 Betashares ETFs or any non- Betashares ETFs, or ASX-listed shares, you may wish to consider setting up a Custom Portfolio (portfolio fees apply – refer to the PDS for more information).
Some ETPs available through Betashares Invest are not able to be included in a Custom Portfolio. The ETPs that are able to be included in a Custom Portfolio will be displayed when you proceed to set up a Managed Portfolio in the Betashares Direct App.
It’s simple to set up a recurring order with Auto-invest. There are two ways to set up a recurring order.
Note: Auto-invest is only available for up to 5 Betashares ETFs (this feature is not available for certain funds, such as short funds).
For each recurring order you have the flexibility to set:
All recurring orders are executed brokerage-free using available cash from the Cash Wallet in your Betashares Direct account. For your orders to be executed, you must have sufficient available cash in your Wallet the day before the order is scheduled. We recommend setting up a recurring transfer from your bank account into your Wallet, so that the entire process – from funding your wallet through to your recurring investment – is automated. Please note: if you have multiple recurring orders scheduled for the same day, you will need to make sure you have sufficient available cash in your Wallet to cover all the orders. We will not place partial orders, or select a fund to invest in - if there is insufficient available cash in your Wallet, none of your scheduled orders will be executed. Your recurring order instructions will remain in place and will be executed on the next scheduled date (assuming you have sufficient available cash in your Cash Wallet).
Recurring orders are placed as a market order and are usually executed within 2 hours after the market opens on the scheduled order date or next trading day after the scheduled order date (if the scheduled order date is not a trading day).
For each recurring order, the minimum amount per order is $100.
Access support your way: whether it be live chat, email, or phone, our expert Australian-based support team is here to help.
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