A new kind of investing platform
Betashares Direct
Betashares Direct is designed to help self-directed investors build long-term wealth. Zero brokerage. Automated investing. Low-cost managed portfolios. Better investing is here.
Create your account in minutes.

Refer to the PDS for information on interest retained by Betashares on cash balances and Portfolio fees.
Refer to the PDS for information on interest retained by Betashares on cash balances.
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Build wealth, your way
Zero brokerage investing
Invest in any ASX-traded ETF - whether from Betashares or other managers - and 300+ ASX shares with zero brokerage.

Refer to the PDS for information on interest retained by Betashares on cash balances and Portfolio fees.
Managed Portfolios
You’re in good hands
Access low-cost, diversified portfolios built and managed by our investing experts. Or build your own portfolio in a few simple steps.
Set recurring orders with Auto-invest
Tools and reporting
Our ‘better investing’ philosophy

Betashares is committed to helping Australians build wealth.

Unlike other platforms and online brokers, we don’t rely on making money from getting you to trade more often.

Our goal is to help you build long-term wealth – and we succeed only when you progress towards that goal. If you invest in one of our 90+ funds, or choose to use Managed Portfolios, we earn transparent low fees as your wealth grows.

The management fees we earn on our funds are the same whether you invest through Betashares Direct or elsewhere - they are not an additional cost to pay.

Ultimately, our success depends on your success.

Read about our fair use policy
Supporting your investing journey
Account types
As well as individual accounts, Betashares Direct accounts are available to self-managed super funds (SMSFs) and Trusts, with joint accounts available soon.
Transfer your portfolio
Moving your holdings to Betashares Direct from another account or online broker is simple.
No transfer fees charged by Betashares
We handle the transfer
No CGT implications*
*Assuming there is no change in beneficial ownership. You should consult your tax adviser before making any investment decision.
Start investing with Betashares Direct
Sign up on web or download the app
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Built by Betashares

For over a decade, Betashares has been helping Australians to financially progress. We currently serve over 1 million investors, and have been trusted with over $45B of investors’ capital, across more than 100 Betashares Funds.

Assets under management
Funds across Australia/NZ
Years serving clients
Australian investors served