Our fair use policy allows you to make a maximum of three sets of ‘buy’ and ‘sell’ trades in any one security in a period of 30 days. Once you reach that limit, your ability to place buy orders for any security on Betashares Direct will be disabled for 30 days. Your ability to sell existing holdings will not be restricted.
Once you execute two sets of buy and sell orders in the one security in a 30-day period, we will let you know that you are approaching the number of trades for that security, so you can avoid reaching your limit.
Note that there is no limit per se on the number of buys, or the number of sells - it is only if you make three buys that are each followed by a sell trade in the same security within a 30-day period that the limit will be reached.
For more information on the fair use policy,
please refer to the PDS.