Betashares Australian ETF Review: July 2022

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Following 3 months of market declines, the Australian ETF Industry returned to its growth trajectory in July, assisted by the strongest net inflows in 9 months. Read on for details, including best performers, asset flow categories and more.

Market cap

  • Australian Exchange Traded Funds Market Cap: $130.2B
  • Market cap increase for month: 4.8%, $5.9B
  • Market cap growth for the last 12 months: 9.7%, + $11.5B

Comment: Industry AuM grew 4.8% ($5.9B) month on month, ending July at $130.2B

New money

  • Net flows for month: +$2.2B

Comment: Approximately 40% of the industry growth came from strong net flows this month, with net inflows of $2.2B, the highest level of the last 9 months. Notably, particularly in light of all the volatility we have seen in sharemarkets in recent times, the Australian ETF Industry has not had a single month of net outflows over the last 10 years.


  • 300 Exchange Traded Products trading on the ASX.
  • 2 new products launched – new US-focused bond products from ETF Securities
  • 2 products closed this month, including Magellan’s FPAY retirement product and Vanguard’s Active Global Multi-Factor ETF. 1 single bond product matured.

Comment: 2 products were closed this month. Magellan closed its FPAY retirement-oriented product just over a year after launch, which had ~$20m in assets. We also saw Vanguard shutter its Global Active Multi-Factor ETF, which had ~$30m in assets.

Trading value

  • ASX ETF trading value decreased 19% month on month.


  • This month we saw crypto-related exposures bounce significantly after months of large falls. For example, our Crypto Innovators ETF (ASX: CRYP) returned 40% for the month.

Comment: Industry growth over the last 12 months has been 18%, or a total of $19.6B.

Top 5 Category inflows (by $) – July 2022

Category Inflow Value
Australian Equities $1,056,292,104
International Equities $506,985,897
Fixed Income $336,739,977
Listed Property $109,400,842
Cash $89,688,618

Comment: In terms of category flows, the industry flows remained focused on equities, and with Australian equities in particular, which took in ~$1B of net flows, followed by international equities.

Top Category outflows (by $) – July 2022

Category Inflow Value
Commodities ($18,546,243)
Currency ($3,117,815)

Comment: Outflows were subdued in almost all categories this month, with Gold exposures receiving the highest amount of net outflows.

Source: Bloomberg, BetaShares.

Top Sub-Category inflows (by $) – July 2022

Sub-Category Inflow Value
Australian Equities – Broad $858,825,823
Australian Bonds $298,433,286
International Equities – Developed World $197,510,825
International Equities – US $118,795,126
Cash $89,688,618

Top Sub-Category outflows (by $) – July 2022

Sub-Category  Inflow Value
Gold ($24,417,886)
Currency ($3,117,815)
Australian Equities – Sector ($1,911,731)


Photo of Ilan Israelstam

Written by

Ilan Israelstam

Chief Commercial Officer

Investor & founder with a Financial Services & Fintech focus. Co-founder of Betashares. Passionate about entrepreneurship and startups.

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