Bendigo High Growth Index Fund

A high growth Fund for investors

The Bendigo High Growth Index Fund (Fund) aims to create wealth, by investing in a selection of index funds that seek to track the performance of selected benchmarks for each asset class.

How it works

The Fund’s dynamic asset allocation aims to achieve a better outcome for investors than the static performance benchmark. Its objective is to deliver investment returns after fees in excess of 4% above inflation over any 10-year period.


The neutral position of the Fund is 95% growth assets and 5% defensive assets.


*In exceptional market conditions the Fund may have asset class allocations outside the stated minimum and maximum for short periods of time.

Asset classMin.*Max.*
Australian shares20%65%
International shares30%75%
Property & infrastructure0%25%
Fixed interest0%10%


  • Half yearly income distributions
  • Add to your investment at any time (min additional investment $100) or; Regular savings plan available with as little as $50 a month
  • Moderate income with capital growth
  • Reputable index managers


N.B. Minimum initial investment amount of $50,000

Unit Price

Application $1.8418519
Withdrawal $1.8385395
Effective date13/03/2025
Download historical unit prices

Risk profile

  • High


Recommended investment timeframe

  • Recommended for at least a 7-year investment period.


Fees and costs

  • No establishment fee
  • No entry or exit fees
  • No fees for additional contributions
  • Management Fees and Costs: 0.47% p.a.
  • Maximum buy/sell spread: 0.09%

Fund performance

1 Month-1.24%
3 Month0.62%
6 Month6.34%
1 Year14.37%
2 Year15.30%
3 Year9.23%
5 Year9.10%
10 Year8.22%
Since Inception11.37%
As At28/02/2025
View latest Fund performance report

*Fund performance figures are calculated before tax and after fees and costs, using withdrawal prices and assumes distributions are reinvested. Past performance in not an indicator of future performance.

Distribution payment as at 31/12/2024

Pre Distribution prices ($)Application1.926551
Net asset value1.9248187
Ex Distribution prices ($)Reinvestment1.8949018
DistributionCents per unit2.9916876
Fund payments*0.0098164
Pre Distribution prices ($)
Net asset value1.9248187
Ex Distribution prices ($)
Cents per unit2.9916876
Fund payments*0.0098164

* Annualised Fund Payment components are provided solely for the purpose of subdivision 12-H of the Tax Administration Act 1953 and should not be used for any other purpose.


The team is available on 1800 634 969 Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm AEST if you have any questions.


Alternatively, you can email [email protected].

Things you should know

Other fees and costs may apply. See the Product Disclosure Statement for full details.

Other Bendigo Funds